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The innovative inventory management tool.

The fast, efficient way to manage your inventory

BISMOS is a proven and reliable way to order your medical supplies that will save you time, improve productivity and reduce out of stocks. Using low cost barcode scanner technology and instant online ordering, it couldn’t be easier.

All you need to do is scan the required products and quantities then connect your scanner to a computer, where your order is automatically generated, ready for you to check and send. You don’t even need to login! We’ll pack and ship it out to you right away, then when your order arrives, simply place items in the labelled storage bins provided.

Why you’ll want to introduce BISMOS

  • Increase productivity and patient contact time – even non-clinical staff
    can order and check medical supplies with BISMOS.
  • Boost efficiency – with faster, easier more streamlined ordering.
  • Improve accuracy - easily check stock levels to see what is missing or low, how many need to be ordered, and when your last order was placed. With BISMOS there is no chance of missing an item because the empty box was thrown away.
  • Save money by always ordering the optimum amount and rationalising unnecessary stock.
  • Create better space utilisation in your storeroom with the BISMOS compact bin system.
  • Run stock takes tailored to your organisation using the free app provided with the software.

PLUS, with BISMOS installed, you have a direct link to one of New Zealand’s widest ranges of medical products.

Contact us for more information and to book a no obligation demonstration.

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